CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California
Program Administration
The CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California State Office is dedicated to ensuring the quality of our systems and the policies regarding SNAP-Ed are available and easily accessible. The following pages will assist you in locating the appropriate resources, forms and guidance to help you maintain your local CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California Program as efficiently as possible.
California SNAP-Ed Plan, Reports and Guidance
♦ California State Plan
♦ Annual Report
♦ SNAP-Ed Guidance

Communications Resources
♦ Funding Statements, And Justice for All Posters, Duplicating SNAP-Ed Materials
♦ Branding and Social Media Guidelines and Resources
♦ Logos and Graphic Assets
♦ Templates
♦ Photo, Audio, and Video Releases
♦ Promotional Materials
Program Administration
♦ CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California Program Directives
♦ Equipment Guidelines
♦ Travel & Lodging information
♦ Integrated Work Plan
Site List Resources
♦ Site List Resources
♦ Mapping Tools and Support Materials