Family-Centered & Intergenerational Nutrition Education Curriculum
The curricula listed on this page are the most commonly used Family-Centered and Intergenerational curricula by CFHL, UCCE programs. Descriptions and links for obtaining or ordering the curriculum are listed below.
For the full breakdown of which evaluation tools are recommended for use with each curriculum, please refer to the FFY 2024 Recommended Evaluation Tools and SMART Objectives.
Eat and Play Together! 
- (Grades 1-3) Eat and Play Together! is a nutrition and physical activity curriculum for 6-8 year old children and significant adults in the children’s lives. Participants become aware of how healthy snacks and fun physical activity contribute to overall health. The curriculum is designed for child-adult pairs to learn about nutrition and fitness while having fun together. Child-adult, known as buddies, participate in all activities as a team.
- (Grades 4-6) Healthalicious promotes a healthy lifestyle in students by encouraging the intake of nutrient rich foods and physical activity. The lessons provide students with a fun introduction to preparing and eating healthy meals. This curriculum can be used in after school setting with 4th -6th grade students, with programs such as 4-H. It may also be used as a family centered curriculum when teaching children and their caretakers about nutrition and physical activity.
(Grades K-8 and Family-Centered) Teams With Inter-Generational Support focuses on gardening and how the foods we grow are used in our bodies as building blocks and energy providers. Students from kindergarten through eighth grade are given the tools to plant and care for a garden. This curriculum is flexible and the lessons can easily be used in a classroom, after-school program, or club. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
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