Policy, Systems and Environment (PSE) Needs and Environmental Assessments
CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE teams most commonly use the following needs and environmental assessments.
Evaluation Resources for Smarter Lunchrooms Movement (SLM) and Smarter Mealtimes
- Smarter Lunchrooms Movement
- Smarter Lunchrooms Scorecard pdf - The Smarter Lunchrooms Scorecard contains 60 simple, no-cost or low-cost strategies that lunchrooms can use to increase participation, improve consumption of healthy food, and reduce food waste. The strategies are based on research from the Cornell Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs and partners and other behavioral science research.
- Data Entry Portal - please enter your scorecard data into the Smarter Lunchrooms Online Scorecard Reporting Tool in Qualtrics.
- Smarter Mealtimes
- Smarter Mealtimes Scorecard pdf - Smarter Mealtimes is an adaptation of the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement for child care environments. The scorecard has 20 items.
- Data Entry Portal - please enter your scorecard data into the Smarter Mealtimes Online Scorecard Reporting Tool in Qualtrics.
- For more information on SLM and Smarter Mealtimes, see the SLM Initiatives webpage.
Evaluation Resources for Garden Initiatives
- School Garden Assessment Tool Webinar
- The School Garden Assessment Tool webinar provides an overview of the CFHL, UC’s School Garden Assessment Tool available for use beginning in FFY 2020. Topics include: background of the Tool’s development; why, when, and how to use this Tool; a review of the Tool and sample entry; and expectations for using this Tool, along with PEARS reporting guidance. Please review this webinar before using the School Garden Assessment Tool: Slides | Webinar.
- School Garden Assessment Tool
- The School Garden Assessment Tool should be used to identify and track areas of improvement in school garden programming. This tool should be used by programs who are currently implementing school garden projects and are ready to assess the current state of the garden in order to expand and/or improve garden-related programming, as well as to track efforts through reassessment. If you have any questions about the School Garden Assessment or Feedback Form, please contact Barbara MkNelly at the CFHL, UC State Office.
- School Garden Assessment Tool - FOR PRINTING
- School Garden Assessment Tool - FOR DATA ENTRY
- Please submit completed Result and Planning Worksheets in this Box folder. Please Note: the SO_Eval_Completed_Assessments folder in Box can only be accessed by UCCE leadership teams.
- The School Garden Assessment Tool should be used to identify and track areas of improvement in school garden programming. This tool should be used by programs who are currently implementing school garden projects and are ready to assess the current state of the garden in order to expand and/or improve garden-related programming, as well as to track efforts through reassessment. If you have any questions about the School Garden Assessment or Feedback Form, please contact Barbara MkNelly at the CFHL, UC State Office.
- For more information on Gardens, see the Gardening Initiatives webpage.
Evaluation Resources for Physical Activity Initiatives
- CFHL, UC Physical Activity Focused Evaluation Tools & Results Webinar
- This webinar reviews (1) the new CFHL, UC physical activity (PA) surveys available for pilot testing in FFY 2019 (Adult PA survey, PA TOT, and PA ITCs), (2) the PA evaluation tools available to help build capacity and assess PSE efforts (CATCH Lesson Observation Tool and PA TOT for CATCH; Stencil Assessment and Tip Sheet for playground stencil projects), and (3) highlights FFY 2018 PEARS program activity results for CATCH and FFY 2017 stencil evaluation findings as well as lessons learned.
- Slides | Webinar
- CATCH Lesson Observation Tool
- This tool provides a support structure for observing CATCH Champions to build capacity and identify training and technical assistance needs. The CATCH LOT assesses the delivery of facilitated CATCH lessons and identifies useful feedback for CATCH champions. The goal is to support the delivery of the key components of CATCH to ensure high quality physical activity (PA) education practices. It can be used by teachers to conduct self-assessments following CATCH training and by supervisors, educators, or State Office staff to observe CATCH delivery in order to support professional development. If you have any questions, please contact Angie Keihner at the CFHL, UC State Office.
- CATCH Lesson Observation Tool | Data Entry Portal
- Physical Activity Teacher Observation Tool
- Please use this teacher survey to evaluate series-based direct education delivered in-person and in conjunction with PSE interventions (such as CATCH) that aim to improve youth physical activity behaviors and opportunities. If you have any questions, please contact Angie Keihner at the CFHL, UC State Office.
- PA TOT Survey | PA TOT Survey in Qualtrics
- Playground Stencil Assessment
- This pre/post assessment was designed to assess changes in the physical environment and number of students physically active, not active, and actively playing on the playground in general and on the stencils. It also collects teaching staffs’ training, practices, and promotion of physical activity. Detailed recommendations for implementing the stencil assessment are included in the Stencil Tip Sheet. If you have any questions, please contact Angie Keihner at the CFHL, UC State Office.
- Pre/Post Stencil Assessment | Stencil Tip Sheet
- Data Entry Portal – PLAYGROUND SCAN | Data Entry Portal – TEACHER SURVEY
- For more information on Physical Activity, see the Physical Activity Initiatives webpage.
Site Level Assessment Questionnaires (SLAQs)
- Site-Level Assessment Questionnaires (SLAQs) were developed in 2018-2019 by the Nutrition Policy Institute for use by CalFresh Healthy Living programs. SLAQs are designed to provide comprehensive annual site assessment data for program planning and evaluation in three priority settings targeted by CFHL, UC: schools (elementary and secondary), out-of-school, and early care and education. In FFY2021, collection of SLAQs moved to an online Survey123 format.
- SLAQ Development - One-Pager (developed by NPI)
- SLAQ Data Collection Protocols (developed by NPI and modified for CFHL, UC)
- SLAQ Printable Questionnaires
- SLAQ Online Questionnaires: School │ ECE │Out of School
- Please email Lolita Quintero (lcquintero@ucdavis.edu) when you have entered a SLAQ into Survey123 so she can generate and send you the SLAQ report.
- SLAQ Action Planning Tools
- UCCE Activity Checklist (LACs)
- SLAQs Evaluation Office Hour (1/25/22) Recording and PPT