Other Healthy School Food Work

Other Healthy School Food Work

Nutrition Standards

Nutrition standards refer to the guidelines for food and beverages sold, served, or distributed in school settings. 

All public schools in California provide a healthy breakfast and lunch to all students who want one through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. These programs have strict standards for what foods can be served. In addition, all foods sold on school campuses during the school day are subject to USDA Smart Snacks in Schools guidelines, as well as additional requirements set forth by the state of California. 

Because there are existing federal and state standards for foods sold on school campuses during the school day, CFHL, UC programs can make most impact with foods that are not sold on campus, including: Healthy Celebrations; Non-Food Rewards; and Healthy Fundraisers

Healthy Celebrations Resources

Non-Food Rewards Resources

Healthy Fundraisers Resources

Food Waste Prevention, Recovery, and Redistribution

According to the IWP Blueprint, “Food waste prevention aims to address individual behavior and organizational structures to prevent the unnecessary waste of food. Food recovery (also known as ‘food rescue’) collects surplus edible food that would otherwise go to waste and redistributes it to feed people in need of access to healthy food.”

To learn more about food waste prevention, recovery, and redistribution in schools, check out the Rethinking Farm to School resources on the Farm to School page.

