Communications Resources
- Funding Statements, And Justice for All Poster, Duplicating SNAP-Ed Materials
- Guidelines
- Logos
- Virtual Backgrounds
- Templates
- Colors and Fonts
- Photo, Audio and Video Releases
- Photo Banks
- Promotional Materials
Funding Statements, And Justice for All Poster, Duplicating SNAP-Ed Materials
- Full SNAP-Ed Non Discrimination Statement and ANR Non Discrimination Statement
- CalFresh Healthy Living USDA SNAP-Ed Funding and Nondiscrimination Statement Guidelines
- (Complete, Space-Limited, and Shortest versions of funding/NDS; Multiple language translations available)
- And Justice for All Posters (Guidance and Translations)
- Optional: If an Educator is reading PPT material, CDSS requests the following AJFA scripted statement.
- AJFA Posters and NDS 2022 FAQs
- Guidelines for Duplicating or Editing SNAP-Ed Materials
- Refer to page 154 in the FFY 2023 SNAP-Ed Guidance
General Branding
The University of California strives to maintain a consistent and professional outward appearance. To this end we have provided you with all of the tools and resources here to brand your program.
- CalFresh Healthy Living, UC + UC ANR Branding Guide
- This Guide is a one stop shop for all things “communication” from branding to messaging, elevator speeches, funding statements & nondiscrimination statements, and email signatures. If you have any questions please contact Linda Forbes, UC ANR Strategic Communications Director: or Andra Nicoli, CFHL, UC Program & Policy Analyst, Strategic Initiatives :
- CalFresh Healthy Living Branding Checklist
- A quick way to ensure you are on the right track as you develop CalFresh Healthy Living materials.
- CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Webpage Update Checklist
- CalFresh Healthy Living Brand Guidelines
- This links to CDSS CalFresh Healthy Living Partners Webpage, scroll down to blue Training Materials column. It is for general CalFresh Healthy Living branding across agencies.
- UC ANR Communications Toolkit
Social Media Guidelines & Resources
- CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Social Media Branding Toolkit
- UC ANR Social Media Training Link
- Social Media Review Checklist
- CalFresh Healthy Living Social Media Toolkit (links to CalFresh Healthy Living Partners webpage, scroll down to green CalFresh Healthy Living Toolkit column)
State Nutrition Action Council (SNAC)
The State Nutrition Action Council (SNAC)is a state level collaborative with representation from all state agencies and non-profits that implement USDA programs.
- View a SNAC fact sheet and all SNAC Resources including toolkits and initiatives in Farmer’s Market and Community Gardens here.
Logos and Wordmark
- CalFresh Healthy Living + UCCE Local Logo (English)
- CalFresh Healthy Living + UCCE Local Logo (Spanish)
- For County use: In compliance with the CalFresh Healthy Living brand guide, use this logo for all communications and materials, such as events at schools and flyers related to local program implementation.
- CalFresh Healthy Living, UC + UCCE Local Logo
- Use this logo treatment for State Office trainings led in conjunction with UCCE; materials and presentations for state conferences such as posters from counties for the CalFresh Healthy Living Forum; promotional materials that are used statewide.
- CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Logo
- For State Office use: The CalFresh Healthy Living UC logo is used by the State Office when providing technical assistance and trainings conducted by the State Office; reports written by the State Office in compliance with the USDA/CDSS grant such as the Final Report; materials and presentations for national conferences; studies led by the State Office.
- CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California Wordmarks
Virtual Backgrounds
In each folder find multiple templates: Conference Posters, Handouts, Letterhead, PowerPoints, and Multiple Event Schedule Flyers.
- CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California Branded Templates - State Office
- CalFresh Healthy Living + UC ANR Local Co-Branded Templates - County Office
- CalFresh Healthy Living, UC + UCCE Local Logo Branded Templates - State and County Partnership
Color and Fonts
- Colors
- CalFresh Healthy Living Brand Guidelines (link to CalFresh Healthy Living Partners Webpage)
- See page 24-27 of CalFresh Healthy Living Brand Guidelines for color palette and font recommendations
- UCOP Color Guidance
- CalFresh Healthy Living Brand Guidelines (link to CalFresh Healthy Living Partners Webpage)
- Fonts
- Arial: This contemporary font is designed to perform well on the screen and at small sizes.
- Raleway: As a secondary typeface this may also be used.
Photo, Audio and Video Releases
When selecting photos and graphics for your project keep in mind that one of the Civil Rights Components is public notification, which requires that photos and graphics reflect diversity. Never use any participant photos, audio, or video without permission (UC ANR photo release) and/or appropriate attribution.
- Photo Release-English
- Photo Release-Spanish
- Fillable Photo Release-English
- Fillable Photo Release-Spanish
Photo Banks
- Open Source Guidelines
- UC Office of the President (UCOP) An account is required and can be created for access to this photo bank
- USDA Photo Gallery
- ANR Photo Repository
Promotional Materials
- Brochures
- Flyers
- Who We Are
- General CFHL, UC Flyer (with customizable contact box and printing instructions)
- Your CFHL, UCCE Program at a Glance (with customizable contact box and evaluation results)
- CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California Branded Overview (one-pager)
- CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California + UCCE Branded Overview (one-pager w/ blank contact info)
- In person with possible hybrid options:
- Who We Are
- Posters
- PowerPoints
- Video Scripts
- Videos
- Curriculum Promotional Bundles - halfway down main Curriculum Webpage