Youth Evaluation Consent
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) requires that CalFresh Healthy Living, UC implement a consenting procedure for the Youth Evaluations. The consent memo which provides a description of the consent pages and procedures and the individual consent pages for teacher, student, and parent are provided below.
Consent Memo
- Teachers Consent Page - English
- Student Consent Page - English/Spanish
- Parent Consent Page - English/Spanish
Youth Evaluation Tools
These are the most commonly used Youth evaluation tools in the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC NEP.
Teacher Surveys
Teacher Observation Tool (TOT)
Please use this teacher survey to evaluate series-based nutrition education delivered in-person with young students especially in Pre-K to 3rd grade. If you have any questions, please contact Angie Keihner at the CFHL, UC State Office.
Physical Activity Teacher Observation Tool (PA TOT)
Please use this teacher survey to evaluate series-based direct education delivered in-person and in conjunction with PSE interventions (such as CATCH) that aim to improve youth physical activity behaviors and opportunities. If you have any questions, please contact Angie Keihner at the CFHL, UC State Office.
Taste Test Evaluation Tools
Teacher Tasting Tool (TTT)
Use this tool to report your youth taste testing activities with school-age students typically conducted in the classroom setting. If you conducted taste tests with multiple groups at one school/site, each group should be entered as a separate survey. The maximum group total for the Youth TTT is 50 participants. For larger groups of school-age students, please use the Large Group Taste Test Tool available below.
- Youth TTT Consenting form, Process Guide and Survey Give this document to teachers to ensure standardization of data collection
- Qualtrics Data Entry Portal
Large Group Taste Test Tool (LG-TTT)
For taste tests conducted in large group settings – typically in the cafeteria but also possibly afterschool or on the playground. A number of options are provided for how to collect student feedback. Select the option(s) most appropriate to your setting and purposes.
Preschool Teacher Tasting Tool (PreK-TTT)
This simplified version of the Teacher Tasting Tool (TTT) was developed for taste testing activities conducted with preschool youth.
4th and Higher Grades
Eating and Activity Tool for Students (EATS)
Please use the FFY23 CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Recommended Evaluation Tools and SMART Objectives to identify which of the three EATS modules (e.g., Fruits and Vegetables (FV) , Sweetened Beverages and Water (SB), and/or Physical Activity (PA)) are most appropriate to administer to evaluate the diverse series-based direct education and PSE interventions you deliver. EATS is available both as a paper and online survey designed for in-person administration with students in 4th grade and higher receiving a minimum of six sessions of series-based direct education delivered over at least four weeks. If you have any questions, please contact Angie Keihner ( at the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office.
- English Survey
- Spanish Survey
- Administration Protocol
- Training Webinar
- Training PPT slides
- EATS in PEARS for data entry
What Did You Learn? (WDYL)
The What Did You Learn? qualitative retrospective survey was designed to collect information about any changes in dietary and physical activity knowledge and behaviors from students in grades 4th and higher. You can use this survey in schools or other settings where two or more sessions of series based direct education are delivered in-person or virtually using approved CalFresh Healthy Living (CFHL) curricula. If you have any questions, please contact Angie Keihner at the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office.
- English Survey
- Spanish Survey
- Administration Protocol
- Administration PPT slides
- WDYL Survey in PEARS Note: The Spanish WDYL survey can be collected as a hard copy and entered into the English WDYL portal in PEARS
Youth Engagement Evaluation Tools
Teens As Teacher Survey
This is the recommended tool for the Youth as Teachers youth engagement strategy, for use at the end of the year or the end of programming. For questions, please contact Kelley Brian at the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office.
Youth Leader Survey
The Youth Leader survey is an optional evaluation tool for youth engagement strategies other than Youth-led Participatory Action Research (YPAR) and Youth as Teachers (also known as Teens as Teachers). For example, it can be used with Student Nutrition Advisory Councils (SNACs), or other established groups of youth leaders focused on CalFresh Healthy Living direct education and PSE efforts. If you are interested in using this evaluation tool for youth engagement strategies other than SNAC, or if you have any questions, please contact Kelley Brian at the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office.
Youth-led Participatory Action Research (YPAR) Surveys
YPAR Retrospective Survey
This is the recommended tool for the YPAR youth engagement strategy, for use at the end of the year or the end of programming. For questions please contact Kelley Brian at the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office.
- YPAR Project Assessment