The CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Program COVID-19 Response

The CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Program COVID-19 Response

Welcome to the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC website. The purpose of this site is to provide CalFresh Healthy Living (CFHL) funded UCCE programs with the support and resources needed to implement educational lessons and activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to resources provided on this site, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) has acknowledged and suggested the following activities as possible ways to continue SNAP-Ed funded program work, as appropriate:

  • Program - Online direct and indirect education development & delivery
  • Evaluation - Data entry or data cleaning
  • Administrative & Fiscal - Review FFY 2020 Budgets, development of FFY 2021 Budget, monthly ledger review and reconciliation
  • Communication - Writing PEARS and UC Delivers success stories
  • Professional Development - Online learning to build or enhance nutrition education delivery and physical activity skills

The CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office will keep you apprised of USDA, FNS and California Department of Social Services (CDSS) updates concerning program operation and protocols.  We encourage staff to regularly attend scheduled meetings and submit questions or recommendations to help us customize our technical assistance through your State Office County Contacts.

CFHL, UC in Action! Timeline New


COVID-19 Resource List


Program Resources

Considerable work is being accomplished in each county to shift the focus of the program from direct education to online programming in order to strategically address California’s growing population of CalFresh Healthy Living recipients. These unprecedented community needs will also be addressed programmatically as we shape the development of the 2021 CalFresh Healthy Living Plan.

Physical Education & Physical Activity

This 2020-2021 School Reentry Considerations: K-12 Physical Education, Health Education, and Physical Activity document provides schools with recommendations and considerations for school reentry for K-12 physical education, health education, and physical activity. It is full of examples and links to resources for three models of learning: in-school instruction with physical distancing, distance learning, and hybrid learning. It also includes suggestions for equity, inclusion and accessibility; SEL; and trauma-sensitive learning environment. Use with the following companion documents:

Evaluation and PEARS Reporting

COVID-19 will – of course – impact the amount of evaluation data that can be collected in FFY2020. Especially evaluation tools like the Teacher Observation Tool and the Eating and Activity Tracking Survey (EATS) post-survey designed for collection at the end of the school year will not be possible. The Evaluation Team will be conducting mid-year evaluation check-in calls with each UCCE county/cluster program. The purpose of these calls is to review progress toward FFY2020 evaluation plans achieved prior to the “stay-at-home” order, discuss experience with new evaluation tools and identify evaluation-related adaptations, needs and technical assistance for the remainder of the year.  

For any evaluation related questions please contact Barbara MkNelly or Angie Keihner

PEARS reporting of COVID-19 impacts will be systematized through the addition of a new COVID-19 impact data field which the Kansas State University (KSU) PEARS team has added. Guidance for reporting using this new field for the Program Activity, Indirect Education and Policy, Systems and Environmental (PSE) modules has been developed by the SIAs in collaboration with CDSS.  Please see link below 

PEARS data entry, data quality assurance and entry of success stories are also suggested reporting activities.  For PEARS related questions please contact:

State and Federal Resources